Unlike most other block entities, placing a funky portal using the command / setblock ~ ~ ~ neither_portal will cause it to have randomized block data (unless specified with NBT tags) rather than none at all.Rarely, throwing a book into a nether/neither portal can cause multiple funky portal colors.It does not go through the portal after having changed it. After throwing the book into the portal, the book is destroyed.Each dimension has its own unique color of portal blocks.Books with the same page content will always generate a portal to the same dimension. Entering this portal teleports the player into a new, "randomized" dimension based on the contents of the book. If any written book (regardless of whether obtained from the Box of Infinite Books, a chest, or written by a player) is thrown into either a nether or neither portal, the portal blocks change into funky portal blocks.Has the block ID minecraft:neither_portal.The blue variant is used as the inventory icon.Books never drop if game rule doTileDrops is set to false.The author of every book is "Universe itself", obfuscated, and every book has 16 pages filled with random text.

The books on the texture of the block are of random color.The block naturally generates in the "library" and "isolation" dimensions.The title's pattern takes the format ////, so books from the same block always have the same title and content.The title of the random books given by the block is correlated with the location of the block.The random books are tied to the block such that using the same block multiple times always returns an identical book.This book can be thrown into a nether portal. When used, if the block is not on one of its chunk's edge and facing along that edge, a random written book is generated.It uses the texture of oak planks on all but one face, on which it has its own bookshelf-like texture randomized based on its location.The box of infinite books uses the resource location minecraft:book_box.